Innovation and Digitalization: MATERIALS LAB – R&D by IDD / Weev

By computer.ced 9 mesi ago

IDD – Industria Del Design s.p.a. is pleased to announce the new Materials Research and Development Laboratory at its Padua headquarters, developed in collaboration with Weev.
This R&D Lab marks a step forward in our commitment to excellence in footwear design and prototyping, offering a dedicated environment for experimentation, storage, analysis, and research of cutting-edge materials.

IDD-Industria Del Design - MATERIALS LAB-R&D 2024The Materials Lab R&D is divided into two areas: the physical area with samples materials and the digital area where, thanks to a state-of-the-art 3D texture scanner, the physical samples are digitized and converted into files usable by designers on their design programs. This digitization process is carried out on the platform of the Swiss Company Weev, with which IDD has been collaborating for years, which is creating a virtual library of materials for the footwear and leather goods market. “Collaborating with Weev will enable us to provide digital services to our customers that will streamline the design-to-cost process,” says IDD SVP Gianni Ceccato.

IDD-Industria Del Design - MATERIALS LAB-R&D 2024Material Lab Manager Ilenia Riccoboni, under the supervision of Creative Director Massimo Giussani, will collaborate with a network of industry experts, suppliers, creative designers, and innovative companies to turn ideas into reality and redefine the future of the footwear industry. We will develop a digital platform, focusing on the following areas:

  • Technological Exploration: Discovering the latest innovations in footwear materials through interactive demonstrations, presentations, and participation in the industry’s most important trade fairs.
  • Digi Lab Integration: Leading the creative process in footwear design through research and development of materials across various areas of the laboratory, from R&D to physical prototyping.
  • Networking Opportunities: Meeting and connecting with industry leaders, footwear designers, suppliers, and other innovators, sharing ideas and visions for the future of the industry and footwear.
  • Innovation Activity: Previewing experimental materials and new creations emerging from the laboratory, testing their characteristics in advance.
IDD-Industria Del Design - MATERIALS LAB-R&D 2024

from left: Francesco Pilli (CEO IDD), Stefano Bennati (Chairman IDD Group), Gianni Ceccato (SVP IDD), Frank Mayer (Technical Partners & Services of Weev)

CEO Francesco Pilli emphasizes that this investment aligns with IDD innovation strategy pursued in recent years, also thanks to the funds received from the PNRR, stating, “With the opening of the Materials Lab R&D, we fulfill our mission to transform the footwear creativity process into a structured design industry through innovation and a passion for excellence.”

  Design, Digitization, Innovation, Materials Lab R&D, Sustainability
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